Saturday, February 5, 2022

Free Dream Interpretation After Dreaming of Egypt

This is from a Free Dream Interpretation we did at World Psychic Center a few months ago


Ask A Real Clairvoyant Psychic | Free Psychic Question and Answers

Dream Interpretation | Dreaming of Egypt | Egyptian Symbolism

I was wondering if you might help me understand a dream that i had a few years ago, to this day i continually think about it.

I have dream that I was in what appeared to be Egypt (i believe i was a man at the time in the dream). There was a drought and people began praying to a statue. I decided i would not turn my back on God and began praying to him for water. I was standing next to a wall that had the Eye of Horus painted on it…as i continued praying cracks appeared in the pupil of the painted eye. Water began seeping out of the cracks, and then the pupil broke open and water began gushing out and the flood had ended….

I know it seems very similar to that of a bible story but are you able to clarify what this dream means? it has puzzled me for many years. I have also had dream where i have spoken a different language (possibly Hebrew, even though I cant speak any other dialect).

Any help you could offer is greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards

The Egyption Pyramids From A Dream


Warm Greetings and thank you for taking the time to write to me. I will do my best to assist you in interpreting your dream.

Many people would say that the dream of Egypt with yourself as a man is indicative of a past life and that might well be, but my opinion is that the dream is highly symbolic of a yearning to explore or being in a situation where you were confronted with exploring beliefs outside of your inherited religious belief system. (You mention (later) a reference to Biblical stories in the Christian belief system – from this I assume your inherited religious belief system to be Christian.)

Egypt can represent many things. What comes through to me is that Egypt represents being “in exile.” You are in a foreign land in a foreign body. A feeling that you are stepping out of your comfort zone, by choice or by necessity, with some undertones of religious guilt.

The dream observes people around you “going astray;” seeking help from “false gods”  in their desperation. In the face of this, you choose to stay true to your beliefs.

At the time in your life when you originally dreamed this, were you confronted with other religious beliefs, and/or exploring another Spiritual philosophy? Were you perhaps interested in psychic phenomenon and/or Spirit communication and were you thinking of exploring it or had you dabbled with it? Were these things true of someone close to you?

As you think back, if you find these (or similar things) were true, it is most likely a subconscious expression of a religious conflict within yourself.

Most commonly the Eye of Horus represents psychic ability – clairvoyant ability, to be precise -  it is “The All Seeing Eye.”

As you pray, cracks appear in the pupil. Water begins to flow – This is strongly indicative of the Third Eye chakra (clairvoyance center) opening. A spiritual awakening in which you begin to unblock the energy center of this chakra and let a possible psychic | spiritual gift bloom and the energy flows freely again.

This is also appropriate in someone who is exploring new religious belief systems. This energy center in the body (third eye chakra) will activate when one’s perceptions are adjusting. As you open your mind to new ideas and beliefs, your “vision” and understanding expand.

This can represent any or all of the following:

* Hebrew often represents the Abrahamic religions (Jewish, Christian, Muslim) so this can be another reference to your inherited religious beliefs.

* A foreign language can represent being confronted with new ideas, philosophies, beliefs that are challenging and/or difficult to understand.

* Speaking/hearing/understanding another language is a common occurrence in those with the psychic/spiritual gift of clairvoyance and in mediums.

* A foreign language can represent communication problems between yourself and others.

It can be a very troubling thing to step outside of one’s inherited religious beliefs; to have them challenged, by choice or by necessity. This “upset” can cause some subconscious turbulence as you process the information, causing these types of symbolic dreams that are your mind’s attempt to work out the issues that are troubling you.

Also, our Spirit (Inner Wisdom) can often more clearly communicate with us via dreams because we are open and symbolism, while sometimes quite confusing to the conscious mind, is at the same time, a Universal language.

You will most likely continue to have the dream until you resolve the issue and/or until Spirit finds an alternative way to deliver its message to your conscious mind.

I hope that something I have shared will be of some value/help to you.

As always, you are the only expert on you. Trust, first and foremost, what your own Spirit reveals to you as the meaning of the dream. Ask yourself what you believe the dream means and the first thought that comes in response is usually the most accurate.

Thank you again for writing to me and for giving me the opportunity to serve your Spirit.

All The Brightest and Best Blessings,

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